Astoria podcaster combines passion for animals, voiceovers

To say Angela Lambru is an animal lover is an understatement.
From her first animal rescue as a kid, the Astoria resident has been a strong advocate for animals, rescuing dogs, cats, birds, and rats among other wildlife.
“I don’t kill spiders,” Lambru insists. “I evict them.”
As a voiceover artist, dancer and actress, Lambru has taken on a new challenge amid a global pandemic: podcasting.
The Kit Bull Story is an educational podcast based on a short story she wrote that follows the story of an abused pit bull who is rescued and rehabilitated.
“This is an opportunity for me to do what I love,” said Lambru, “voiceovers and to give the animals a voice.”
Lambru wrties the scripts for the five-minute episodes. Working with other voiceover artists from around the world, she records the podcast in a walk-in closet in her apartment.
Soundproofed with layers of clothing, Lambru fights the sounds and vibrations of the train while delivering soothing storytelling to her pet-friendly audience.
A dozen voiceover artists make up the cast of The Kit Bull Story. Playing roles as different breeds of dogs, the actors rehearse their lines on Zoom to prepare for final recordings. Lambru says she virtually auditioned over 200 voice actors for different roles. It debuted last February.
Voicing the roles of three characters on the podcast, Lambru says she draws inspiration from her own observations and experiences with local pet owners.
Lambru says she was initially inspired to create the podcast after a tough bout with COVID-19 in March 2020.
“From March 5 to March 17, I was very sick,” Lambru recalled. “I had fevers. It felt like someone had zapped all the energy out of me.”
When she recovered, Lambru pledged to make the best use of her valuable free time.
“In a way, I think it was a blessing in disguise,” she said. “It gave people a chance to think about what they wanted to do with their lives.”

The Kit Bull Story publishes three episodes a month. They are available on Spotify, Apple Music and at

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