As BQE Cantilever Deteriorates, Officials at Odds Over Fix

The triple cantilever was built in the 1940s, and experts say it is in dire need of repairs. Photo: Jack Delaney

By Jack Delaney |

“No more kicking the can,” said Mayor Eric Adams in 2023, as he announced two initiatives to fix the BQE Triple Cantilever, a distressed stretch of highway that runs underneath the Promenade in Brooklyn Heights.

Yet in a letter sent to Deputy Mayor Meera Joshi last Monday, five elected officials whose districts encompass the site are alleging that Adams has been doing just that: punting the issue.

At the heart of the matter is the question of whether to act sooner to repair the cantilever in a limited capacity, or to wait until a long-term solution — likely a complete redesign — can be implemented.

Endorsing the latter approach, the mayor’s office and Department of Transportation officials have argued that a short-term remedy would expend the political capital necessary for a lasting overhaul, stalling the project indefinitely.

But the recent letter, signed by Councilmember Lincoln Restler, Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon, Senator Andrew Gounardes, and Congress Members Dan Goldman and Nydia Velazquez, argues that the process of determining a permanent fix has already stretched on too long, and a stopgap measure is badly needed to ensure the highway is safe.

“Considering the importance of federal funding for this project and the orientation of the incoming Trump administration toward New York City and the general uncertainty at City Hall,” Restler wrote in an email, “it is not clear that the Adams administration’s plans remain viable.”

“We need an alternative option that protects and preserves the safety of the highway and our community for the foreseeable future, while we work to craft longer term solutions for the whole BQE corridor,” he said. “Implementation of a stabilization plan to extend the lifespan of the Triple Cantilever would create time for city, state and federal governments to achieve new strategies to divert freight and reduce trucks and cars on this highway.”

The cantilever was constructed in the 1940s, and renovations were floated in 2006 during a planning workshop organized by state officials. In 2018, Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s team pitched a temporary six-lane highway that would have run parallel to the Promenade, which would have been closed for up to six years. Needless to say, Brooklyn Heights residents weren’t pleased, and the proposal withered.

Mayor Adams has picked up where DeBlasio left off, but has encountered roadblocks of his own: per amNewYork, in January the Biden administration rejected a request for $800 million to redo the cantilever. The deliberations over the correct design have plodded on regardless, with DOT holding forums to gather community input, the most recent of which occurred last week.

At this month’s Brooklyn Community Board 2 full board meeting, some members who had attended the latest info sessions were just as leery as Restler of DOT’s promises for a long-term solution.

“You heard the councilman mention the BQE — we learned last night that they’re starting the clock again on the two-year study to come up with a plan,” said Sidney Meyer, chairperson of CB2’s Transportation & Public Safety Committee. “Now, most of us have been involved with the same two-year plan, beginning in the year 2000. It’s the same two years, where they’ll study all the alternatives, at the end of which they’ll propose whatever they’re going to propose. I would urge you to be vigilant about what’s going to happen there.”

In 2020, a report by leading transportation experts concluded that the BQE was deteriorating faster than expected, in part due to the presence of overweight trucks. The triple cantilever was especially degraded, it noted, and needed repairs “immediately.”

While the report warned that sections of the road could become “unsafe and unable to carry existing levels of traffic within five years,” it also specifically rejected any proposals for a temporary highway near the Promenade, instead endorsing a refurbished four-lane structure.

Ultimately, almost all the stakeholders involved seem to agree that a major overhaul is needed, and soon. Why then, many residents like Meyer ask, has it taken more than 20 years to arrive at yet another impasse?

The fault for continual setbacks to the BQE project may not belong to DOT and Gracie Mansion alone. As Christopher Bonanos, New York Magazine’s city editor, wrote in June, “digging up half of Brooklyn for the once-in-a-century chance to finally fix the BQE and, in turn, build a better city, would require a level of misery tolerance that has come to seem unimaginable.” He noted that the best choice could be to demolish parts of the BQE and bury others, but the inconvenience to drivers and locals — and what he viewed as an overly cautious attitude on the city’s part — has made it politically infeasible.

As of now, the environmental review is slated to begin in 2025, and bona fide construction on the cantilever would start in 2029 at the earliest.

World’s Oldest Children’s Museum Turns 125

Photo courtesy of the Brooklyn Children’s Museum

By Jack Delaney |

The world’s oldest children’s museum turned 125 this week, and will be celebrating the occasion with special programming this weekend at its Crown Heights location. 

The now-beloved Brooklyn Children’s Museum opened on December 16, 1899, with the goal of engaging kids from an urban background in studying natural sciences. In many respects, the museum’s initial iterations were unrecognizable from its current form — a visitor traveling back in time to the turn of the century would find exhibits in a complex of Victorian houses, for example, which were demolished in 1975.

They would also have met Plato, a monkey who wandered freely through the museum during the early 1900s, and would have been able to join a taxidermy club. 

In the lead-up to BCM’s big milestone, its staff has been combing through the archives for details like these, said Atiba Edwards, the museum’s president and CEO. For him, these stories — the museum hosted one of the first wireless telegraph stations, and later a transmitter radio club that the government shut down during World War II — illustrate that “[BCM has] been a space for curiosity to really run rampant and grow in an unfettered way.” 

Curiosity was also the word New York State Assemblymember Brian Cunningham gravitated towards in describing the museum, which serves about 300,000 visitors each year.

“Equipped with toys and technology, [BCM] encourages young people to unapologetically tap into their boundless curiosity—curiosity that could one day transform them into scientists, botanists, writers, or creators of the unimaginable,” said Cunningham. “For 125 years, young people from across New York and around the globe have visited the Museum to awaken their senses and discover joys that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. We hope to preserve this cherished community fixture for another 125 years—and beyond.”

Today, the museum is housed in a bright green-and-yellow building, built in 2008, and has become a hub for cultural exploration as well as science. One exhibit, ‘World Brooklyn,’ allows kids to walk through a diverse micro-neighborhood replete with miniature storefronts, in which they can play the roles of shopkeeper, baker, grocer, shopper, designer, performer, and builder, gaining an appreciation for the cooperation it takes for a community to thrive. 

Elsewhere, young visitors can experiment with physics in BCM’s ‘AirMaze,’ or — in the spirit of Plato the monkey — interact with animals from the museum’s living collection. Edwards said a renovation is in the works, which will enable two new installations: a garden space where kids can learn about 3,000 years of Brooklyn’s geological history, and its role as a terminal moraine for glaciers; and a 200 year cultural history of the borough, for which the museum received $150,000. BCM also received $100,000 this fall to sponsor free field trips for low-income students. 


Photo courtesy of the Brooklyn Children’s Museum


In pushing to fund BCM, many elected officials have spoken to their own memories of the institution. “The city is proud of its long-term partnership with and investment in this institution, which is a model for how culture can be at the center of strong, healthy communities while playing a critical role in educating and engaging young people,” said New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Commissioner Laurie Cumbo. “I had my own early career experience at the Museum, and my young son has spent many happy hours under its iconic yellow roof. So many New Yorkers have similar stories to tell about this extraordinary place. Happy 125th to Brooklyn Children’s Museum!”

Yet for all these expansions, the museum has also faced its share of challenges. 

For one, its target audience ‘ages out,’ which makes it harder to retain a steady base of attendees. Another unique factor is that BCM is situated in a mostly residential area, without the Brooklyn Museum’s ability to grab tourists who happen to be walking by Prospect Park or the Botanic Garden. While BCM still attracts visitors from across the borough, this dependence upon the local community can be both a strength and a vulnerability as residents contend with the city’s housing crisis.

“Often the offshoot of gentrification is that people start to see themselves pushed out and no longer included in some of these traditional spaces, or sometimes spaces go away,” Edwards noted. “How do we make sure more and more families see themselves welcomed in a way that is additive to the fabric we have made here?” 

At its core, Edwards emphasized, the museum’s mission is not only to teach kids, but to give them the leeway to play and simply be their age. At a recent event for nonprofit leaders at Columbia, a fellow participant approached him and mentioned that they’d spoken to a man in his 60s who attested to just that aspect of BCM. 

“The museum was a space I went to every single day,” the man was quoted as saying, “because it was a space where I felt safe. It was a space where I could do my homework. I could just run around and be free and not worry about bullying and not worry about anything else. It created this really welcoming, warm environment where I was able just to exist and be present.”

“[Hearing that] brought such a big smile to my face,” Edwards added, “because that’s what this space is about.”

From 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday, children, families, and caregivers will be able to dance alongside an instructor, slide around BCM’s ArtRink skating rink, meet the artists behind a new exhibit, ‘In The Works,’ watch birthday episodes from fun throwback Saturday morning cartoons in BCM’s movie theater—and take part in art-making, photo ops, animal programs, and more. 

Admission is free for the birthday party weekend. All programs and experiences will be free as well, with the exception of entry to ArtRink, which is $5 per person.

“Glacial Pace of Change”: Judge Holds City in Contempt for Inaction on Rikers, Paving Way for Fed Takeover

By Jack Delaney |

In 2019, lawmakers gave one of the largest jails on earth until 2026 to shut down completely. Five years later, officials are still dragging their feet on reforms — so the federal government is poised to wrest control of the facility from New York City officials to ensure the closure actually happens.

On November 27, Manhattan federal judge Laura Swain held the city in contempt on 18 counts for its handling of Rikers Island, ruling in favor of the plaintiffs in Nunez v. the City of New York, a case first brought in 2012 that alleges “a pattern and practice of using unnecessary and excessive force against incarcerated individuals.” The decision paves the way for a federal receivership, which would strip local agencies of jurisdiction over Rikers.

The case was settled in 2015, with the stipulation that the Department of Correction (DOC) take concrete steps to fix what critics have described as a culture of impunity for officers within the jail. As part of the deal, a monitoring team was created to track compliance with the plan.

But in a 65-page decision, Swain observed that the monitors had consistently found DOC unwilling or unable to implement changes. “Progress will likely not be achieved,” they wrote in December 2021, “no matter how many remedial orders or other potential sanctions may be imposed,” because of “foundational” problems within the department.

If anything, Swain noted, progress has trended backward. “The use of force rate and other rates of violence, self-harm, and deaths in custody are demonstrably worse than when the Consent Judgment went into effect in 2015,” she wrote, with cases in which corrections officers used force against inmates climbing from around 4,500 incidents in 2016 (or a rate of 4 per 100 people) to nearly 7,000 (more than 9 per 100 people) in 2023.

These issues have been compounded by DOC’s unreliable record-keeping. Last year, the New York Daily News reported that the monitor had “no confidence” in the department’s in-house data on violence at Rikers and cited six attacks made with blades that had not been classified as slashings or stabbings.

At two recent hearings in September and October, City Council members pressed DOC leadership to explain why reforms recommended by watchdogs had not been fully implemented, and why a track record of abuses appeared to be continuing unabated.

At the October hearing, several formerly incarcerated women testified to what they said was a decades-long system that abetted sexual abuse of inmates by corrections officers at Rikers. Over 700 sexual lawsuits have been filed to date against the DOC through the 2022 Adult Survivors Act (ASA), which amended state law to allow sexual assault victims to file civil cases even if the statute of limitations had lapsed, for a one-year window.

Representatives for the corrections officers union argued that the federal judge’s concerns were mislaid.

“Seventy percent of our inmate population is facing violent felony charges,” said Benny Boscio, president of the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association. “That same population is driving the hundreds of assaults on our officers, including sexual assaults, as well as inmate on inmate attacks, which requires necessary, not excessive force, to keep everyone in our jails safe. Outsourcing control of Rikers Island to a federal receiver will not be a silver bullet and will not solve any of these problems. Giving correction officers the manpower and resources to enforce law and order in our jails will.”

Historically, the union has wielded significant power over any changes within city jails. As The CITY reports, it has previously stonewalled reforms that would have introduced stab-resistant vests and reduced cases in which solitary confinement can be used to punish inmates.

Even when fixes are implemented, many do not last long. Federal monitors argued for years that body cameras were necessary to keep corrections officers accountable, and it eventually won out: by 2020, nearly every officer in city jails was required to wear one. But in 2024, the 3,500 devices were recalled by DOC Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie after a camera caught fire. According to Vital City, the review was slated to take at most two weeks; months later, the body cameras are still out of circulation.

While the initial target date for closure was delayed by a year until 2027, the city has maintained it is on track to close Rikers. Yet the federal judge’s decision reinforces broader skepticism that the DOC’s plan to redirect the island’s inmates to four borough-based jails will be feasible.

Per Swain’s order, the next step will now be for the Legal Aid Society, which filed the initial case back in 2012, to negotiate the terms of the receivership—including who will helm the effort—with city and federal officials. The relevant parties have until mid-January to do so.

Malt Drive Park Opens: Once a Sugar Factory and Beer Depot, Now a Waterfront Green Space

Attendees at the Malt Drive Park opening party on Saturday, November 16 / Credit: Nicholas Gordon

By Nicholas Gordon |

If the beautiful, new sweeping waterfront space of Malt Drive Park wasn’t enough to entice locals for its grand opening block party on Saturday, November 16, the heaps of free oysters, caprese salad, tiramisu, chocolate fondue, and an endless well of craft beer and Prosecco were thrown in to sweeten the deal. Upwards of 300 attendees mingled over their drinks and snacks, shimmied to the live music, and explored the new park all afternoon. 

“Celebrating the ribbon-cutting here at Malt Drive Park shows the power of our community,” said Julie Won, a New York City council member for District 26, which covers the western Queens neighborhoods of Astoria, Long Island City, Sunnyside, and Woodside. “This is also a celebration of the development of the entire Hunter’s Point South Park where we have new public amenities to enjoy,” Won added.

Located on a brand new block in Hunter’s Point South, Malt Drive Park features spacious sidewalks and winding waterfront paths with seating areas, a playground and a dog park, and an open lawn with picnic spaces and views of the water. Malt Drive Park was created by the real estate development company TF Cornerstone (TFC), which has its two newest luxury residential buildings, 2-20 and 2-21 Malt Drive, flanking the space. 

“As someone who was born and raised in Queens, I’m really proud to be here with you today for the opening of Malt Drive Park,” said New York State Senator Kristen Gonzalez, addressing the crowd. “I’ve seen this neighborhood grow and thrive, and I think it represents the best of us in New York City, showing that through public and private partnerships we can have greenspace and public amenities, and a high quality of life.”

Featured Speakers at the Malt Drive Park opening party, from left to right: Edjo Wheeler, Executive Director of CultureLab; Julie Won, New York City council member for District 26; John McMillan, TFC Senior Vice President and Director of Planning; Kristen Gonzalez, New York State Senator; Kate Orff, founder of the landscape architecture firm SCAPE / Credit: Nicholas Gordon

John McMillan, TFC Senior Vice President and Director of Planning, echoed the praise for the public and private partnership, noting that Malt Drive Park is unique for East River waterfront parks in being developed by a private company on private land.

“The park shows what good zoning can inspire a private developer to do,” McMillan said. “We like to think we’ve been part of the growth and evolution of this community and of the astonishing civic and public character that has taken root in this part of Long Island City.”

Also astonishing is the transformation of the real estate along Newtown Creek in Long Island City.

“When we talk about Newtown Creek, on both sides, Brooklyn and Queens, what we’re doing is taking a legacy of barren land and polluted spaces, or inaccessible waterfront, and creating something new and beautiful to give us the better life that we here in Queens deserve,” Senator Gonzalez said.

While there seemed to be little doubt about the beauty and usefulness of the new park, some attendees expressed skepticism about the nature of Long Island City’s rapid growth.

“The so-called affordable apartments being presented here, to me it’s baffling,” said a member of a local community group and a long-time resident of Long Island City who asked to remain anonymous. “If I lost my current living situation, I’d be priced-out of Long Island City, which is unfortunate because we moved here many years ago because it was so affordable.”

On the TFC website, the new Malt Drive studios are listed at $3,760.

Malt Drive’s 1,386 new residences brings TFC’s total in Hunter’s Point South to over 5,000 units across several properties. 

Lisa Goren, a member of the Long Island City Coalition and a board member of the Hunter’s Point Community Coalition, questioned whether Long Island City’s unfettered growth has preceded a comprehensive management and services plan. 

“All of the things that should come with upzoning where you have a tremendous number of new units built are being dealt with after the fact,” Goren said in a phone interview, acknowledging that she and her coalitions have had some difficult conversations with the developers. “When you build, it needs to be part of a comprehensive resiliency plan in the face of climate risk, so that the neighborhood is sustainable, not just a plan protecting particular buildings.” 

Goren said that through community engagement events and ideas-sharing sessions with locals she and her teams have come up with vision plans for equitable development, resiliency, and sustainability. Their vision plan for Hunter’s Point North is available at

Malt Drive Park features a dog park, playground, paths with seating and waterfront views, and a lawn with picnic areas / Credit: Nicholas Gordon

Named after the site’s history as a sugar cane processing plant turned beer distribution facility, Malt Drive Park expands park space from Hunter’s Point South Park by over three acres, adding roughly 700 feet of public access along the shoreline.

Kate Orff, the founder of the landscape architecture firm SCAPE which collaborated with TFC for Malt Drive Park, said that the ecology and legacy of the waterfront’s importance as the site where the East River meets the mouth of Newtown Creek was at the forefront of their design.

“With a focus on resilience, we created a sloping grade, sculpting the ground plane in a way that protects the building and brings you down closer to the water,” Orff said. “We wanted the idea of a living shoreline pulling all the way up to the buildings’ edge, and then carving pockets of open space out of that so you could really experience the feeling of being on the edge of the natural creek system.”

In their collaboration with SCAPE, TFC also prioritized the development of a greener waterfront by taking measures to stabilize the shoreline from erosion and protect marine life, as reported by the New York Real Estate Journal. 

The Moving Dance Company performing at the Malt Drive Park opening party, from left to right: Payton, Jaylon, and Nika Credit: Nicholas Gordon

Young couples, families with strollers, and people walking their dogs passed through the new park as the last musical act finished up and the sun began to set. Earlier in the day, Council Member Won had made an appeal to them.

“All of this development continues to create an infrastructure and an entire knit community, so what we’re saying to you is that we want you to stay and we want to see your family start here and grow here,” Won said. “We want this to be a place that you call home long-term.”

‘Mother of All D.I.Y. Fairs’ Will Make Winter Stop in Brooklyn This Weekend

By Jack Delaney |

One of the most influential craft markets in the country is returning to Brooklyn this weekend, drawing over 150 creators from the borough and beyond.

The Renegade Craft fair will be setting up shop in ZeroSpace, a venue that straddles Gowanus and downtown Brooklyn, for December 7 and 8. It will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both days.

Renegade was founded in 2003 by Susie Daly, an aspiring therapist who began making jewelry after college and created the event’s initial edition in Chicago as a means to sell her work. The first time the market came to Brooklyn, in 2005, it took place in the drained-out pool at McCarren Park in Williamsburg, where customers descended the sloped sides to peer at handmade offerings.

Now in its twenty-first year, and dozens of installments later, Renegade has grown from its humble roots to become an institution — in 2008, Brooklyn Paper was already dubbing it the “preeminent D.I.Y. fair in the world.” And as of this year, casting a historian’s eye on the now-ubiquitous genre of small creators, SFGate described it as “arguably the mother of all contemporary craft fairs.”

A large banner awaited customers at this year’s previous Brooklyn event. Photo: Renegade Craft

Today, Renegade throws events in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, along with summer and winter bonanzas in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. The company expanded to London and Portland, Oregon, but the former proved too logistical because of the distance and the latter simply didn’t catch on as fervently as it did elsewhere. Austin, Texas and Boston were cut due to the pandemic.

Part of what makes the fair such a draw no matter the locale is the careful vetting process for vendors. Renegade’s art director, Madelon Juliano, and her team combed over 600 applications for the upcoming winter fair at ZeroSpace. She said they juried based on quality alone, and had no hesitation including early-career artists alongside seasoned veterans, like long-time Etsy darling Wren Handmade.

The backgrounds of organizers like Daly — accomplished artists in their own rights, but ones who may have taken winding paths — speak to the grit of the participating vendors, many of whom seemed to have conjured a creative livelihood for themselves out of sheer force of will.

The Monday before the fair, Kelsie McNair spent the morning making stained-glass martini glasses. “[As Brooklynites,] we live in a place where there aren’t as many windows [being commissioned] as there might be in other parts of the country,” she explained, “because we’re mostly renting apartments.” So as an artist working with glass, she’s had to branch out: other items include languidly colorful forks, frames for mirrors, and even album art for the singer Jake Wesley Rogers.

McNair, originally from Virginia, started a vintage store out of college, at age 22. “I learned so much about small business, and about trying to be creative when you’re also trying to pay the bills. How do I find my joyful experience in the vast landscape of all the minutiae that the processing of owning a store brings?” After four years, she closed the shop and embarked on a range of other creative endeavors — photography, a job at a florist — before a friend recommended a glass residency program.

At first, it was “just something to do.” McNair had just wrapped her time as a shop owner, which she felt was “the best thing I was ever going to do,” and was feeling burnt out. But this residency, and the medium of glass, offered a way forward. “It sharpened my understanding of what kind of work I want to always have in my life,” she reflected.

McNair eventually landed a gig as a social media manager for Renegade, and began vending her own pieces in 2021.

The experience has been “wonderful” so far, she said. But she was sober about the acrobatics that creators must perform to remain marketable without compromising their personal style or message.

“We’re all in our own different challenging bubbles,” she said, “because we’re creating a path for ourselves that are uniquely ours. We are all looking for our own objects that work within the dialogue of the buyer or of the consumer or the customer, and we’re also constantly having to work to stay true to ourselves and to our brand.”

Similar themes resonated with illustrator Daili Shang, though her route to Renegade differed from that of McNair.

Shang left China to study physics in a PhD program at UCLA, specializing in cancer treatment — much of her work centered on CAT scans and MRIs, she said. But she’d never thought of herself as a science person, and “didn’t really feel passion for it.”

Attendees examine patterned tote bags earlier this year, at Renegade’s first of two bi-annual markets in Brooklyn. Photo: Renegade Craft

When the pandemic struck, Shang found herself coding all day from home. It was miserable, yet it also offered a chance to reconsider her career. “I was just wondering about what I liked to do before [science],” she said, “what would bring me joy? And drawing is one of those things.”

The only issue? The last time Shang had picked up art supplies was in elementary school. Undeterred, she began to teach herself to draw — in her 30s, she wryly observed — by taking every online class she could find. Despite the difficulty of finding her own style, the pressure was manageable, because she had taken the leap and left physics for a new job, as a store manager for the high-end biking company Specialized.

Her first Renegade market was in Los Angeles in the spring of 2022, while still working at the bike shop. Initially, she focused on selling small stickers, which often incorporated the motifs of cats, bicycles, and self-help adjacent puns. But the margins were too slim when she decided to switch to art full-time, and she also began to have qualms about the stickers’ environmental footprint.

Serendipitously, Shang stumbled across linocut printing, her current medium of choice, though she is beginning to shift again towards acrylic painting. The cats are still there, but they’ve grown more whimsical, and the colors are bolder. And though cancer research, bikes, and illustration may seem impossibly disparate, Shang was adamant that the twists and turns were part of her work’s appeal.

“What I want to offer the public is not just my art,” she said. “I want to offer them my story. Then they can also prioritize happiness and reflect on what they really want in life, and then live a happy life. Not everyone has to live a life they don’t want to be because they’re supposed to live a certain way.”

A vendor from Renegade’s fair at McCarren Park in 2006, its second year in the borough. Photo: Renegade Craft

Juliano emphasized that the chance to form personal connections with the artists is one reason why Renegade has been so successful, enduring for over two decades.

Yet she was also thoughtful about the unavoidable context for the fair: Black Friday. On the one hand, she noted that many of the vendors were relying on the event to make their yearly budgets even out, and was candid about the imperative to sell items. On the other, she viewed the economy of independent creators that Renegade has fostered as an alternative to a more wasteful commercialism.

“Because of how long I’ve been working at Renegade, buying from small businesses has become a habit,” Juliano explained. “And I think something so cool about continuing to support things like Renegade and artists that participate in them is that once you keep doing it, you really can’t go back to buying stuff that you know is going right to the landfill, or you know isn’t going to last, or is so trendy that you feel like it’s not going to stick around your closet anymore.”

New Book is a Colorful Who’s Who of Brooklyn Storefronts

By Jack Delaney |

“Brooklyn is a magical place. World famous. A muse. A wellspring. Even the water is famous!” 

Some might take the opening words of Joel Holland’s introduction to his third book, Brooklyn Storefronts, released in September, as pure flattery, but he brings the goods: upwards of 230 minimalistic yet painstakingly drawn renderings of the borough’s most iconic spots. From oldies like Staubitz Market in Cobble Hill (est. 1917) to new entrants such as Frankel’s Delicatessen & Appetizing in Greenpoint (since 2016) and beyond, Holland and collaborator David Dodge — who contributed lovingly researched copy to contextualize each drawing — have tried to make sure there’s something for every Brooklynite in these pages.

The project wasn’t without its challenges. Holland and Dodge had worked together on the former’s first title, a paean to his Manhattan haunts called NYC Storefronts, which hit shelves in 2022. But they acknowledged that doing Brooklyn justice called for a different approach. For one, the older book drew from a personal stash of illustrations Holland had made over the course of years, so they knew which stores would be included from the outset. In tackling a new borough, the scale was daunting: “I was pretty confident that I would know 75% of the stores that came our way,” Dodge said. “It was more like a quarter.” 



The economic crisis that has rocked the restaurant business also posed an issue, both for Brooklyn Storefronts and a soon-to-be second edition of the first book. 

“It’s been a little depressing, actually,” said Dodge. “We’ve had to go through and list all the different storefronts that have closed, and a lot of them — at the time, we were proud of them for making it through Covid, and there were all these great mutual aid efforts. But the toll of [the pandemic] is still kind of rippling throughout the city. It’s been interesting to go back and dip into the first book and see what’s changed.”

As for Brooklyn? “Having lived out there, I was jazzed,” said Holland, an expat of Greenpoint and Park Slope, who was lettering his next project as we spoke. “Like, ‘Oh, this is gonna be easy!’ And then I started to get really bummed, because I lived out there 10 or 15 years ago, and all the places that I thought of as being so awesome were gone.”

Both Holland and Dodge had been Brooklynites before (Dodge is “constantly in Brooklyn” to this day, he maintained), but as they assembled a preliminary list of storefronts — taking excursions from tip to tail, and taking stock of closures — they decided to recruit more help in order to cast a wider net. 

“T​​he way that we solved it was by combining forces between David, [editor] Ali, and myself, as well as all of our contacts with friends and some anonymous crowdsourcing [through social media],” said Holland. “That got me excited, thinking — this is not just for me or for us. We’re doing this for the community.”

And after documenting so many striking facades and improbable backstories, it’s hard not to have favorites. 

“[It’s] probably the San Toy Laundry on 7th St,” said Holland. “I just love the look of it. I love the little packages in the window. I know it sounds weird to talk about my own drawing this way —  sorry! But I like the texture that I was able to do for the exterior, mimicking a brown stone grit. That’s my favorite spot.”


Dodge was torn, but leaned towards the New York City Transit Museum on Schermerhorn St. in Downtown Brooklyn. The museum only exists, he explained, because a Transit Authority employee named Don Harold, who died in 2023, became obsessed with saving decommissioned trains from the scrapyard by switching their numbers so they wouldn’t be identified. Many of these same trains eventually found a home in today’s museum, which is sited in a subway station that was retired in 1946. 

Another quirky discovery for Dodge was Broadway Pigeons & Pet Supplies in Bushwick, run by brothers Joey and Michael Scott. They inherited a flock of the speckle-necked birds when their grandfather passed away, and decided to create a hub for fellow enthusiasts. Though their hearts are with the rock doves, in recent years the Scotts have been forced to turn to traditional pet supplies to survive. People still buy pigeons, Dodge says, but nowadays the store is more likely to sell them for oddball purposes, such as to help train a dog to hunt, than for racing or long-distance messages.

Ultimately, the book strives to be more than eye candy. “Over the past decade,” curator Kimberly Drew writes in the foreword, “I’ve watched so many storefronts come and go. I’ve seen my neighborhood, Bedford-Stuyvesant, be invaded. I’ve felt the brunt of rising rents. I’ve watched the horizons change. Witnessing this all firsthand is why I know it is urgent that we seek out these storefronts and support them.” In that sense, Brooklyn Storefronts is much like a pattern book, full of eateries, bars, bookstores, museums, and laundromats whose storied warps and wefts — luring you out of the house — amount to something more than the sum of its (very elegant) parts.

The duo’s next project will be a citywide survey of street vendors, tentatively scheduled for 2026. You can contact David Dodge via his Instagram, @bydaviddodge, with any suggestions or tips about vendors he should profile. Holland’s fourth book, Paris Shopfronts, is due out next spring.

Thin and Thinning Margins: Cap on Delivery App Fees May Be Rolled Back

By Jack Delaney

New York City lawmakers are considering lifting a cap on how much delivery apps can charge restaurants for each order, which was first implemented during the pandemic. Supporters claim the cap was a stopgap measure that no longer makes sense, while detractors say the change would squeeze the margins of small businesses that are already struggling.

Currently, third-party delivery services like Doordash and Grubhub are limited to charging any given restaurant a maximum of 23% per sale — 15% for delivery, 3% for credit card processing, and 5% for other fees. But a new bill, Int 762, would increase this cap to a total of 43% per order, by giving vendors the ability to ‘opt in’ to an additional 20% fee in return for enhanced services such as marketing. 

New York has long been a unique market for delivery apps because of its transportation profile. Unlike other major cities such as Los Angeles, NYC is extremely dense and micromobility — encompassing scooters, mopeds, and e-bikes — is far more common than cars, which dominate elsewhere. As a result, the city’s regulatory framework for deliveries has evolved in ways that have diverged from the rest of the country. 

While it was the first city to implement a delivery fee cap in March of 2020, it is also now one of the last municipalities — down from a peak total of more than 100 — that has kept the policy in the wake of the pandemic. The bill’s proponents say there is little to justify what they view as a burdensome legal holdover. 

Bowing to a Monopoly, or Restoring a ‘Free Market’?

App companies have been proactive in expressing their discontent over local regulations, of which the fee cap is only one component. Last year, Uber, DoorDash and Grubhub sued the city over a law establishing minimum wage for food delivery workers, arguing that it used faulty data to determine how much the contractors should earn. The companies had been beset by claims of wage theft, triggering scrutiny from the City Council. And this September, the apps were handed a favorable ruling when a judge found that a consumer data-sharing requirement, implemented by the city in 2021, was unconstitutional. 

Now, the tug-of-war between restaurants, delivery workers, and third-party services is shifting to the fee cap. “The Fair Competition for Restaurants Act is a compromise solution that gives New York’s small, independent restaurants more options on our platform while keeping important safeguards in place,” a representative for GrubHub said. “It allows them flexibility to market themselves, grow their customer base, and compete with the big chains.”

But Andrew Rigie, executive director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, opposed the bill during a hearing in June, decrying what he called “monopolistic behavior.” He was echoed by Chris Lauber, Director of Operations at LT Hospitality Management, who held that “for an industry with thin profit margins of 5 to 10 percent, increasing these fees could mean the difference between staying open and closing.”

However, at the June hearing, Council Member Rafael Salamanca Jr. pushed Rigie and Lauber on why these price controls are necessary, given that the extra charge would be voluntary on the part of restaurants. 

In response, Lauber said that the cap helps to prevent an exponential ‘race to the bottom,’ driven by what he described as the app companies’ high degree of leverage over their clients. Specifically, both he and Rigie highlighted the role of search engines.

At the current 23% rate, Lauber claimed, the ease with which a restaurant is found depends mostly on proximity to the customer or the type of food they’re searching for. By comparison, he worried that the language around search priority in the new bill was vague, allowing apps to bury businesses who don’t opt into higher premiums. 

“If our restaurants had been next to each other and they had two different marketing strategies inside,” he said, “we would then have one exponentially higher than the other, which is ultimately what they’re arguing is the point. However, the margins are so thin going into restaurants to begin with that it creates kind of an effective rat race that would be exponentially playing one off of the other to get higher and higher in the fee cap, until eventually it’s exhausted.”

Disputed Protections

Delivery apps have pointed to the fact that many restaurants appear to support the bill as evidence that it will maintain an even playing field. 

“Despite claims made by industry lobbyists for large restaurant chains, support for this amendment is led by New York’s small and independent restaurants, including the NY Latino Restaurant & Bar Association and multiple community organizations,” Grubhub’s spokesperson said. They noted that the bill enshrines additional protections for restaurants, which include “the rights to be listed and discoverable, to include their own marketing materials in deliveries, to set their own in-app menu prices, and to prohibit delivery platforms purchasing their restaurant’s name for advertising.” Regular compliance assessments would also be required.

Yet Lauber was skeptical that these protections would be enough to shield smaller vendors. “Recently, I even had to argue with multiple platforms just to abide by the current regulations in place and not overcharge us when onboarding our restaurants,” he said. “So removing the fee cap would disproportionately affect smaller independent restaurants and bring bargaining power to larger restaurants, further creating an uneven playing field that favors larger chains.”

There is no set date for when the bill will be brought before the council again, but advocates on both sides predict it will be a matter of weeks, and are kicking into high gear to persuade council members before a vote.

City of ‘Yes, But’: Landmark Housing Deal Squeezes Through to Full Vote, with Caveats

A map depicting the new plan for parking mandates: red zones will see them rolled back completely, while residents in the yellow and blue areas will experience partial reductions to the requirements. (Credit: New York City Council)

By Jack Delaney

New York City’s most sweeping housing plan in decades cleared a crucial hurdle this week, as the City Council pushed forward changes to zoning laws and other regulations so that 80,000 new units can be built across the city. 

Last Thursday, the Council’s Land Use Committee voted 8 to 2 in favor of a revised version of  ‘City of Yes,’ a slate of modifications to citywide rules that has been a key part of Mayor Eric Adams’ agenda and that is intended to alleviate the city’s acute housing shortage. The original plan aimed to create 109,000 units in the next 15 years, but it was amended after backlash among some electeds over hot-button issues such as the abolition of parking mandates. 

There haven’t been major changes to the city’s zoning laws since 1961, and pressure for reforms has mounted in recent years as the housing crisis has worsened. A particularly dire indicator is that as of 2024, the rental vacancy rate had dropped to an abysmal 1.4%, the lowest on record since 1968 and a marked decrease from a pandemic-era level of 4.5% in 2021. “The data is clear,” said Mayor Adams in February. “The demand to live in our city is far outpacing our ability to build housing.”

Down to the wire

As of the morning of the vote, it remained unclear whether a deal would be struck. If the council had declined to vote, the plan would have passed without amendments. The vote itself was delayed by over five hours, as council members hashed out a workable compromise. In the end, it took an unexpected injection of $1 billion from Governor Kathy Hochul to ensure that the amended proposal would be approved. 

Since City of Yes was first announced in June 2022, Mayor Adams and his allies have characterized it as “a little more housing in every neighborhood.” Though the Council’s amendments still pave the way for a substantial amount of housing, they represent a more Balkanized tack, in which some neighborhoods will bear a greater share of development thanks to regulations that vary based on borough and distance from transit hubs.

The two most contentious facets of the original plan — parking mandates and ADUs, or accessory dwelling units — were accordingly the focal points for the compromise deal. 

Rather than discarding the minimums completely, the deal creates a three-tiered system based on geography. In almost all of Manhattan, and much of western Queens and Brooklyn — dubbed Tier 1 — Parking mandates would be eliminated entirely. For Tier 2, which covers swaths of Brooklyn and the Bronx, mandates would be lowered substantially, cutting the number of required parking units by three-quarters across the zone. And in Tier 3, largely contained to Queens, minimums for standard projects would remain in place, but would be lifted for ADUs), transit-oriented districts, and town centers as long as new construction contains fewer than 75 units.

The agreement also ratcheted up regulations on ADUs, a key component of the City of Yes plan, as well as small apartments in backyards, garages, and other spaces on existing properties. The compromise would prohibit ground-floor and basement ADUs in coastal and inland flood-prone areas, while disallowing backyard ADUs in historic districts and certain areas designated for single-family homes.

Too Much, Not Enough

Council Member Bob Holden, who has been part of a vocal opposition, called the deal “a terrible plan” and said that his constituents “reject the idea of giving real estate developers a blank check to overdevelop our city.” He and other Republican lawmakers had expressed concerns about potential overcrowding, strain on infrastructure, and the impact of large-scale developments on ‘neighborhood character.’

For their part, progressives like State Senator Zellnor Myrie criticized the proposal for not going far enough. “With today’s carveouts, an already modest step forward has slowed to an even more hesitant pace,” Myrie said. “Every housing unit cut from this proposal represents another family that will have to leave New York City.” He added that he hoped the full Council would approve the changes without further amendments during its stated meeting next month.

Even so, many housing advocates have reacted positively to the amended plan. Some argued that critics who initially focused on concessions were losing the forest for the trees, and praised what they saw as a paradigm shift. “Essentially, this is fantastic,” said one representative, who asked to remain anonymous. “City of Yes was never going to be the fix to our housing crisis. But what this does, which has never been done before in New York City, is to recognize that a zoning change is essential to providing affordable housing.”

The plan will now return to the City Planning Commission for review before proceeding to a final vote by the full City Council in December.

Juice, Judo, and a Runway: Brownsville Orgs Show Out for Food Equity

Clarissa Sims demos an easy-to-make yet nutritious juice for attendees. Photo: Jack Delaney

By Jack Delaney |

“We the undersigned,” the petition begins, “are tired of living in a neighborhood that is systemically deprived of healthy choices.”

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, the Brownsville Heritage House played host to an array of community leaders and entrepreneurs who showed up in support of a bid for $200,000 in state grants to create a new hub for fresh, nutritious food in the neighborhood. 

The petition, launched by nonprofit Seeds in the Middle, would combine an affordable farmers market with a community cafe, all run by Brownsville residents. Customers using SNAP benefits at the market would get double value up to $20 per day, and the cafe would serve as a one-stop shop for nourishing meals, juices, and snacks, as well as items made by local creatives. 

Seeds in the Middle founder Nancie Katz says the state money would help address a problem that’s currently acute. Brownsville has been called a ‘food desert,’ though recently the term has given way among experts to ‘food swamp’ — an area that is flooded by access to unhealthy food, without a convenient or cheap means of buying alternatives. This lacuna has knock-on effects: 41% of adults in Brownsville are obese, per Foodscape data, which is nearly 20% higher than the city average and much worse than the 32% the neighborhood recorded in 2011. Residents also face rates of diabetes and infant mortality, the risk of which is tied to chronic health conditions, that are among the highest in the city. 

At first, a sparse group of about ten attendees sat scattered on folding chairs throughout the room, reticent. But dozens more began to stream in around 3 p.m., and before long the space was buzzing. 

The event kicked off with a tour of the recently renovated Brownsville Heritage House by Miriam Robertson, its Executive Director. The 40-year old community center and museum, located on the second floor of the Stone Avenue Library, was started by legendary historian and trailblazer Mother Gaston out of her own living room. 

Next was a crash course in self defense taught by Gabriel Eugene, owner of the Lucian Dojo on Maple Street. His good-natured volunteer, Divine Pollard, threw mock blows and patiently weathered a variety of headlocks as Eugene walked the crowd through the optimal ways to defend against punches, baseball bats, and knives. 

Then came a demo by Clarissa Sims of Liquid Vibes, a juice company based out of Staten Island. A year earlier, Sims underwent surgery for breast cancer, a frightening experience which spurred her to place more emphasis on her health. On stage at the event, carrots, oranges, and apples went into a juicer along with a knob of ginger — attendees were enthusiastic about the juice, but did have thoughts on the strength of the last ingredient: “The juice,” said one older man, “is very spicy.”

Sims was unfazed. “Ginger is amazing, amazing, amazing for your body,” she told onlookers, while stressing that it’s more important to add in healthy foods, at least initially, than it is to go scorched earth through dieting. “By embracing healthier habits, I’m not just transforming myself,” she wrote on Instagram. “I’m on a mission to impact the lives of my family and community.”

The lack of healthy food in Brownsville isn’t a fluke. Silvia Radulescu, a researcher at the Georgetown University Law Center, explains that “there are racial disparities in food access in Brooklyn; white residents have better access to healthy [meals] than Black and Hispanic residents.” She argues that this gap isn’t only the product of current income inequality, but “result[s] from twentieth-century segregation policies and practices—such as redlining, blockbusting, and predatory lending.” In other words, Brownsville residents have been forced into unhealthy habits over the course of decades, and by design.  

“I don’t even know where to say to get it, to get fresh stuff,” said Cynthia Bishop, who was born in Wilmington, NC, and moved to Brownsville when she was five years old.

At the Brownsville Heritage House, organizer Cherokee La Dickens asks questions as Chef Shibumi Jones explains her tips and tricks for a delectable green curry. Photo: Jack Delaney.

Cooking demos followed Sims’ gingery juice. The first was a green curry how-to by veteran chef Shibumi Jones, who runs a locally sourced farm-to-table supper club in the Hudson Valley.

“It’s very important to start with your aromatics,” Jones said. Another tip for maximum flavor? Try deglazing with water, which helps incorporate “all the good stuff that’s stuck on the bottom of the pan” into the dish. And she urged the audience to try using homemade pumpkin puree as a base: “Anything you can put tomatoes in, you can do with pumpkins as well.” 

Her final tip was a tactic to cut down on salt, by way of a science lesson. Acidic seasonings do the trick, because “adding acid is the same thing as adding salt, as far as where it hits on your palate.”

After a second demo on how to make the perfect pared-down Mediterranean salad by mother-daughter duo Estelle and Mona Raad, young essayist April Webster read her piece on food justice, to rousing applause. 

Also present at the event was Dante Arnwine, District Manager for Brooklyn Community Board 9, who is planning to run for the City Council next year in District 41. He echoed organizer Cherokee La Dickens’ sentiments regarding the need to bridge generational divides to build a movement around adequate nutrition, which affects everyone.

“Unfortunately, people are so busy that they don’t have the time to get fresh produce,” he noted. “You’re worried about just [getting] food on the table. You’re not particularly worried about whether it’s healthy or not. And so being able to bring this to where people are is essential, right? We really need more programming like this.”

Arnwine also pointed to the intersections between issues like housing and nutrition, and saw the mayor’s citywide initiative to increase housing stock as an opportunity to advance other causes, too. “As the city continues to build under ‘City of Yes,’ or whatever that looks like, the conversations have to be had between elected officials and developers: ‘Hey, when you’re moving into communities that are clearly food deserts, they need fresh produce.’”

Models drawn from the audience, including Divine Pollard, Cynthia Bishop, and Chef Shibumi, Jones show off designer John Cheek’s latest collection. Photo: Jack Delaney

For chef Jones and wife Alix, who live in Brownsville, the push for access to healthy food is important not only in the context of a neighborhood that is starved of resources generally — including sluggish response times from city agencies for routine requests like removing abandoned cars, which Alix had experienced firsthand — but also within the broader picture of the country’s food systems.

“You see these companies putting all kinds of crap in the food that they, number one, don’t have to tell us about. And number two, it’s just not good for our health, and it’s just not good for the environment.” So Jones was supportive of any opportunity to “encourage any sort of awareness and just to take a step back and re-examine what we’re eating.”

The evening came to a dramatic close with a fashion show curated by John Cheeks, a local dance instructor, designer, and corrections officer who lost his mother, who had also been his business partner, to Covid during the pandemic.

And as residents filed out of the Brownsville Heritage House with full stomachs, still blinking the runway’s dazzle from their eyes, the limelight returned to expanding local access to high-quality produce.

“We would love to have farm to table experiences here in Brownsville,” said La Dickens. “We want healthy food options too, so we’re right here, right now.”

BK Start-Ups Pitch Next Big Thing in Transportation Tech


Damir Gilyaz, founder of EZGlyd, attempts to woo an accomplished panel of judges at Make It In Brooklyn’s Future of Transportation Pitch Contest. Photo: Jack Delaney

By Jack Delaney |

On Tuesday, a Shark Tank-esque competition pitted fledgling Brooklyn tech companies — hawking drones, battery stations, and scooters — against each other for a shot at a check, and a stamp of approval for molding New York’s future transit systems.

The venue was auspicious. In 1807, seven years after inventing a usable submarine for Napoleon, the engineer Robert Fulton launched the world’s first commercially successful steamboat up the Hudson, putting New York City on the map as a center for innovative transportation. Over two hundred years later, and only one block away from a street bearing Fulton’s name, a handful of start-up founders were hoping to channel some of his magic.

The Future of Transportation Pitch Contest, which took place in the stylish rafters of Hana House in Downtown Brooklyn, had narrowed the field to just four finalists. The event was organized by Make It In Brooklyn, a Dowwwntown Brooklyn Partnership initiative to support the borough’s entrepreneurs that has given out over $120,000 in seed funding to date.

After an introduction by Downtown Brooklyn Partnership President Regina Myer, the evening was ushered along by emcee Jared Ais, an urban planner with a TikTok following (his handle is @TransitTalks). Filling out the roster were judges Phil Hwang of Dollaride, Judy Chang of the charging infrastructure company Itselectric, Dulcie Canton of CLIP!, NYCDOT veteran Dr. Jannie Gao, and Patrick Knoth, General Manager of Citi Bike.

The first presenter to brave the judges’ questioning was Damir Gilyaz, founder of EZGlyd. He said his product arose from a simple question: “What happens to your cargo scooter when it’s not in use?” The answer came to him while he was waiting for his daughter after her weekend math classes in Manhattan, watching traffic and musing over parking. He decided to design his own scooter, one that could “meet unmet needs for family and small business owners in high density areas,” he said, by using less space. The key features are that the vehicle can be folded vertically, has two removable batteries, and sports strong weather protection. 

One judge asked how much the bike would cost to create. About $1,200 for manufacturing, Gilyaz replied, with a retail price starting at $2,400 to factor in other costs. He also fielded a question about his vision for the company’s future, to which he said that he was eager to expand to other cities in the Northeast if the pilot went smoothly in New York. 

Avol founder Nate Poon and DBP President Regina Myer pose with the prize-winner’s check. Photo: Jack Delaney

The second challenger to approach the dais was David Hammer, President and co-founder of Popwheels. 

“Right now in New York City,” Hammer said, “your pad thai is being schlepped by somebody on an e-bike.” Actually, he went on, that bike is probably one of two models, and they likely comprise one of the largest e-bike fleets in the world — over 100,000 vehicles, potentially. “This shows,” he said, “that electric mobility is not just for bougie Brooklyn dads, and I say this as [one], nor is it just for rich jerks. No, it’s for everybody. It’s for working people to be able to get their jobs done.”

But in Hammer’s telling, e-bike riders have two big problems. They’re plagued by battery fires, and the high cost of owning and operating a bike is also an issue. His company’s fix is to create a citywide battery swapping network, so that e-bikers and specifically delivery workers can recharge their batteries without having to return home. 

When his presentation concluded, judges asked whether he was prepared for battery models to change. What if a new type of battery was incompatible with his kiosks? “There aren’t any new chemistries,” he answered, “that are likely to become online in the next five years that are going to radically reshape and increase by an order of magnitude the kind of the needs that meet micro mobility today.”

Third on deck was Nathan Poon, CEO and co-founder of Avol. Tall and lanky, he took a deep breath, then launched into his pitch for drones that can deliver blood, medication, and biopsies between medical centers.

“Medical deliveries are extremely slow,” he said, explaining the need for his invention. “There’s about 44 million of these deliveries every year, but almost all of them are done by car, which means they take a really long time. They’re limited by roads, traffic and weather conditions, and they’re limited by coordinating drivers. This results in about $30 billion worth of losses every year, just because blood, kidneys, and medications aren’t where they need to be when the patients actually need them.”

Drones had already been proposed to solve for this, he noted, but most models are heavily regulated. The trick is to design a drone that is light enough to avoid triggering regulation, yet heavy-weight and sturdy enough to carry the necessary materials over long distances. So that’s what Poon did, based on his PhD research. The result is a novel aircraft that “fits in the same regulatory class as a traditional quadcopter, but has five times the range and twice the payload volume.”

How do you deal with the fact that different municipalities may have different regulations for drones? Poon said that Avol gets around this issue by landing drones a mile or so outside of the target cities, and then paying couriers to ferry the medical supplies the rest of the way.  

The fourth techie to take the stage was Victor Oribamise, CEO and co-founder of Kquika.

His company wants to minimize the amount of time that planes are out of commission, which Oribamise says costs airlines $3000 per plane, per hour. To accomplish this, he and his partners have designed an artificial intelligence-powered model that helps predict when a plane will need maintenance, before it actually does. “How does it work?” he asked, rhetorically. “We do real time data processing, and we have six behavior models to be able to predict all of these problems.”

As might be expected for an AI-driven product, a judge asked whether Oribamise’s software would replace human jobs. He replied that there aren’t currently enough maintenance engineers to go around, so his model would simply supplement the missing labor force. 

The presentations were finished, and the crowd wandered off to the bar with their free drink tickets. Finally, after fifteen minutes of deliberation by the judges, emcee Ais announced that the winner was… Avol! Poon was swept to the stage, where he posed with a physically enormous (and financially modest) check for $5,000 to support his company’s growth. 

It’s unclear if any of these ventures will take off. But if years from now you get a life-saving blood transfusion delivered to your hospital by drone, remember: it may have started here, just off Fulton St.

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