Don’t share

Dear Editor,
As a former 30-year Social Security employee and currently an Accredited Disability
Representative, I have seen many changes that have impacted the approval of disability benefit applications.
The government is becoming very interested in your social media accounts, such as
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.
Surprised? Do not be surprised. The individuals who are deciding whether you are
disabled from your job want to see whether you are actually too impaired to work.
Although, at this time, they may not be able to use this information as a reason for denial, they can certainly be influenced by your behavior that is out there
for all to see.
If you share photographs and posts showing your ability to play ball, shovel snow or fish, you are advertising that you are not too physically impaired to
perform work.
Please be aware of what you put on the internet for all to see.
Dale A. Masur
Accredited Social Security Disability Representative

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